Registrations and Authorisations

Cambridge International Examinations

Taal-Net registered with the Cambridge International Examinations and the license number is ZA265 University of Cambridge Examination Centre: ZA265. For more information visit

Department of Basic Education

Taal-Net has registered Primary and High Schools registered with the Department of Basic Education.
For more information visit

Department of Higher Education and Training

Taal-Net is accreditated by Department of Higher Education and Training with accreditation no is 2012/FE07/025 and examinations centre no 0899998872. For more information visit


Taal-Net Training Institute is also registered with Umalusi, the quality assurance body, and the accreditation number is FET00799PA. For more information visit

Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)

Taal-Net Training Institute is fully registered with National Registrar of Companies (CIPRO) and company number 2009/085846/23. The 1st of May 2011 signaled the birth of the new Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) when CIPRO and OCIPE merged to form CIPC. For more information visit